EBCDC has achieved success in reaching their goals through implementation of a variety of programs. EBCDC has helped to cushion the blow of high housing prices on low income residents through loans, technical expertise, tenant associations and other assistance programs. Examples of EBCDC’s impact range from small to large rehabilitated properties, new neighborhoods of homes, and tenant-managed and tenant-owned developments.
In addition, EBCDC works in collaboration with the community in the areas of business development and technical assistance, physical development, job creation and provision of social services.
The East Boston foreclosure initiative designed to redevelop foreclosed and abandoned properties to maintain affordable units in East Boston neighborhoods.
Development of the Atlantic Works artist building at 80 Border Street. This building contains 30,000 square feet and was acquired and developed to provide artist work space for in excess of 30 artists at risk of displacement.
Development of a new day care facility to allow Little Folks Community Day Care to relocate from its Maverick Apartments site and continue to service low-income families in the Maverick area.
With lead developer ZUMIX, Inc., a non-profit youth music organization, the purchase and modernization Engine Company 40 Firehouse in East Boston. The new firehouse will be the new location of ZUMIX in November 2009 allowing them to relocate from a dilapidated 3,400 square foot building to a modern 7,500 square foot building. ZUMIX teaches children from ages seven through high school how to play and perform music, produce and record radio shows and about all aspects of music technology.
Purchase and renovation of 26 Sturgis Street, Winthrop, a joint venture with the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center to allow EBNHC to expand the depth of its services in its Elder Service Plan (ESP). The new facility has 46 beds available for live-ins and 9 beds for transitional patients with short term care needs.
The construction/rehabilitation and ownership of 130,000 square feet of industrial and commercial space. All properties are fully leased, providing income generation, community-based resources and jobs for 340 residents of our low-income community.
Operation of the East Boston Local Development Corporation, licensed by the SBA as a 504 Certified Development Corporation. This subsidiary organization has developed over 150,000 square feet of commercial space providing more than 500 jobs.
Operation of a Revolving Loan Guarantee Program which has secured 54 loans for East Boston merchants totaling $2,140,000 and employing 448 local residents.
Ongoing participant in initiating and providing support for community services appropriate for all ages such as the Little Folk Day Care Center and the Lyman School Frail Elderly project (also a HUD 202 project).
Partner in the HUD Hope Six Development of 400 units at Maverick Gardens in East Boston.
A successful history of providing housing for low income residents through the development of 1,180 units of subsidized housing and the management of 500 rental units, including 284 units of housing designed for the elderly.
Leverage of $6.1 million in Community Service Administration grants to produce more than $26.7 million in projects, creating over 2,800 new jobs; minority applicants filled 940 (34%) employment opportunities.