Metro Management has an excellent professional staff of senior executives and managers. Our management team is led by Jeff Buono, Asset Manager, and Erin Nanstad, Senior Property Manager; both are NCHM certified as Tax Credit Specialists, and Occupancy Specialists.



    Mr. Buono is NCHM certified in both Occupancy and Tax Credits with a background in construction. He has over 14 years of property management experience directly related to MHFA 13A, LIHTC, MRVP, and HUD: Section 8, 236, 811 and 202.

    Mr. Buono is responsible for supervising the day to day operations of all properties including property budgets, marketing, rent collections, maintenance, and adherence to all applicable regulations.



    Ms. Nanstad has over 20 years of property management experience. She has a degree in Sociology, is NCHM certified in both as an Occupancy Specialist and Tax Credit Specialist, and a Spectrum Certified Credit Compliance Professional, C3P.

    Ms. Nanstad is responsible for projects with layered funding, including HUD Section 202, LIHTC and DHCD HOME. She is responsible directly for all elderly HUD section 202 housing projects and the oversight of tenant relations and resident services.

Our managers are responsible for a diverse portfolio including: DHCD Home/HSF, MHFA 13A interest subsidy, MRVP, HUD Section 8, 202, and 811, along with HUD Section 236 interest subsidy, LIHTC, and Commercial New Market Tax Credits. Our team is fully versed, and trained in Fair Housing Essentials including reasonable accommodation, HUD/MHFA regulations along with Tax credit and Home regulations; in addition to physical condition standards of all applicable regulatory agencies.